Lifetime Assistance help at Food for the Soul
In 1978, a group of loving parents – with the backing of local and state agency leaders – founded an organization to give their children with developmental disabilities the tools to achieve the highest possible level of independence and satisfaction. These parents wanted their children to have opportunities to develop life skills, to pursue their individual goals and dreams – and to enhance their pride and self respect as productive members of the community.
Today, Lifetime Assistance, Inc. has grown into a community leader – and is the largest, most comprehensive agency in the Greater Rochester area serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. Lifetime provides a full spectrum of services for persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Intellectual and Cognitive Disabilities, and Neurological Impairments.
At Lifetime Assistance, we’re passionate about supporting individuals with developmental disabilities as successful participants in a respectful community.
The Program
Over the years, Lifetime Assistance has developed an extensive community volunteer program with over 50 agencies in the Greater Rochester area. Individuals can participate in a variety of opportunities based on his or her interest and skill level. These opportunities, in turn, provide the individuals with meaningful skill-building experiences.
In addition, we work diligently to maximize the use of community resources such as libraries, health clubs, restaurants, museums and local businesses.