Jazz Fest Raffle Winner
John Nugent is Producer & Artistic Director of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival
John Nugent is Producer & Artistic Director of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival
Thanks to everyone who has dropped in to see us and purchased a Jazz Raffle Ticket in 2018.
The Loop Ministries Food Program serves people ranging from childhood through late life. We serve the physically and mentally disabled, U.S. Veterans, and multiple orientations and ethnicities, predominantly African American, Caucasian, and Hispanic. Regarding employment, those who come are unemployed, partially employed, and “under” employed, indicating that a full time job wage does not enable them to provide adequately for their needs.
Last year three quarters of the people we served used the pantry, not as a regular extension of their kitchen cupboards, but only for several months until some emergency was dealt with and they were back on their feet. We, therefore, truly live up to our designation as an “emergency” food pantry. We do not perpetuate people’s comfortability with poverty by encouraging them to live on hand outs. On the contrary, we are a safety net to keep them from entering the welfare system, by giving them a compassionate leg-up when needed.
(Loop Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing groceries and meals to the under-served in some of the most economically challenging areas of Rochester, including zip codes: 14604, 14605, 14607, 14608, 14609, 14614, 14620. The monthly meals are open to anyone residing in Monroe County. Loop Ministries is grateful to the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, located in the heart of the city, for the use of their space to run operations.)
In 1978, a group of loving parents – with the backing of local and state agency leaders – founded an organization to give their children with developmental disabilities the tools to achieve the highest possible level of independence and satisfaction. These parents wanted their children to have opportunities to develop life skills, to pursue their individual goals and dreams – and to enhance their pride and self respect as productive members of the community.
Today, Lifetime Assistance, Inc. has grown into a community leader – and is the largest, most comprehensive agency in the Greater Rochester area serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. Lifetime provides a full spectrum of services for persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Intellectual and Cognitive Disabilities, and Neurological Impairments.
At Lifetime Assistance, we’re passionate about supporting individuals with developmental disabilities as successful participants in a respectful community.
Over the years, Lifetime Assistance has developed an extensive community volunteer program with over 50 agencies in the Greater Rochester area. Individuals can participate in a variety of opportunities based on his or her interest and skill level. These opportunities, in turn, provide the individuals with meaningful skill-building experiences.
In addition, we work diligently to maximize the use of community resources such as libraries, health clubs, restaurants, museums and local businesses.
This holiday season will mark the 4th year that the Food Pantry will take advantage of the NYS Food bank’s offer to provide small chickens and bags ofproduce for our distribution.
As in years past, the size of our order will be determined by our financial resources and storage (freezer/cooler) capacity. The chickens will be offered to the 10 registered families with the largest number of children, and the 20 large produce bags will be opened and distributed among all who come the last two weeks of the month.
New this year is Loop’s participation in the Kiwanis Thanksgiving Dinner Program. As a result of our visit to the Kiwanis’ local chapter meeting (when Daryl Staneck and Al Sieg spoke about hunger in Rochester and the difference our food ministries are making), we have been invited to benefit from their their effort and bounty. Between mid-October and early November, Food Pantry clients were invited to sign up for a hot, prepared Thanksgiving meal for all in their households.
A Kiwanis representative will call each registrant to confirm interest and address later in the month, and then personally deliver the family meal on Thanksgiving day! God bless the Kiwanis for their generosity of time, treasure, and talent in caring for our community in this way!